Tuesday, February 07, 2006


doing anything and everything we can

This has never ended nor has it ever started, this is just the begining yet it ends there. This thing that you have in your very hands, isnt just something. I wouldnt consider this just something but EVERYTHING!
disagreeing, strength, people, faith, beleveing, dreaming, companionship,freindship,strong points, weak points, ups and downs, looking far, kicking high!!, dancing forever, being brave, being afraid, having douts, having douts about having douts, going crazy, living it up, making amends, forgiving all you can, TRYING, having fun, having a party, this right now is a party to me.
Just as you thought things were just ending, is really when things are still beginning. things are ALWAYS beginning, it will continue to begin. You will keep going and you'll keep on doing stuff.. that is what we are alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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