Tuesday, February 07, 2006
You never stop. And you keep going, wither it be the hardest times in your life, or the best of times. You keep moving ahead, and you keep going. Things WILL work out. be brave. This is nothing but whats been handed over, Kick this up a notch and never give up. Thats what really counts. the sun has always been shining, even on the rainiest days. be proud, your the only you youll ever get. this is bigger than you think. dong worry YOU DONT NEED TO HIDE, you just open up your eyes and youll discover, that there is another world
Im always here for you, Im always going to be around, this has never ended, this hasnt even started. Kerp your chin up, and your head high. And dont forget how lucky we are to be ALIVEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Friend ALWAYS,
Cory A.g
Im always here for you, Im always going to be around, this has never ended, this hasnt even started. Kerp your chin up, and your head high. And dont forget how lucky we are to be ALIVEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Friend ALWAYS,
Cory A.g